I consider myself to be a rather decent speller. Nonetheless, I still use spell check. I even have people proof read things for me occasionally. But I got to thinking what a blog post would look like if I avoided the "ABC" button that I so frequently use. What would it look like if I just let the typos speak for themselves?
So here goes - for the remainder of this post, I will not use spell check. I will not correct typos. I will try my best to let the post prove to you just how easily my mind gets ahead of my fingers :) and just what a moron I might be.
The rules:
1) I will not use spell check
2) I will not use the backspace or delete button if at all possible
3) I will only correct typos that may hinder site functionality
4) I will type at normal speed
5) I will make liberal use of the "del" tag, most likely
6) Wish me luck!
*******Line of Spelling Demarcation*********I wanted to write about the Middle East, but I started to do
ta= that and realized
f that for such
an a lighthearted expirement that probably was not the best
topoi topic to try this out on.
So I'll talk abotu food. I'll embarass myself infront of the blog-reading world and just let it be oknown that I cannot cook NOR can I type well. I can beake, yeas. (Woah, carried away with the ea's there for a bit). But for the lif of me, I cannot cook. No matter what I try to prepare, I typically wind up with some sort of plain, bakedn chicken, and some
side side dish like rice or
souscous couscous.
Something magically happens in my kicthen. I could quite literally have a pot fulll of noodles and an oven full of fish, and wind up with chicken and rice. This is much to the dissapointment of my dear fiance, Amar. He is quite a patient
mad man, but we wind up eating out a lot!
Lat year, I was in a Bible study going through Titus 2 with a group of girls. We got
a to a certain point in the study where it
stated started to discuss the
"fi "gifts of
mai marriage" an dI laughed out loud. I was more than a little critical of the author at this point in the study. He started listing home-making tasks:
cooing cooking, cleaning,
swe sewing, etc. Based on the author's assessment, I was doomed to be a spinster.
Apparently, I'm
provid proving him/her wrong, in that I'm gettting married in 30 days,
figted or no.
We still have a problem, my friends. My future mother-in-law arrives in the
ares area Sunday, and she is a fabulous cook.
Shell She'll likely take one look at my kitchen and forbit Amar from marryingme. On the other hand, the more optimistic hand, the happier hand, she may just take me under her wing and teach me how to cook some mean Indian food.
Oh yes, my friends, home cooked Indian food. If you're interested, please let em me. Whoops, I dont' eve know how to correct tat sentence. Let's try again, shall we? If you are interested in home cooked Indian food, and you
redise reside
r nearby, please let m eknow. We'd love to have you over so that you can partake in the feast.
So, in conclusion, not only have I given you evidence of my
pook ungiftedness in the cooking department, I have also given you evidence that I am completely incabable of typing coherent thoughts without using the backspace key.
In my defense, I really think that it's not a problemn with my reading comprehension or my general understanding of the English language. The poblem is two-fols:
- I really am trying hard to not make mistakes today and therefore, I"M MAKING A LOT!
- My fingers can't keep up with my mind. Te minute I start typing a thought, I'm thinking another thought, and then I can't keep them straight and the keyboard gets in the way. Please forgive
man me and please don't think I'm a total idiot n the next time we speak. That would really mean a lot to me :)