Thursday, July 20, 2006

The cure-all

Yesterday I said that I was in a funk. A funk which required me to administer several "comfort foods" to myself during the afternoon. A computer-induced funk.

Well, last night I was in the presence of something great. Something which, without fail, will pull anyone out of any funk, no matter how bad said funk is.



Yay for puppies!

A couple in our Bible study brought their 3 week old puppies to the group last night. They were literally the cutest things I'd seen in awhile. They were tiny, soft, black, and sleepy. They were just learning to walk, but basically, they sat on you for extended periods of time and slept.

Oh happy day!

Who doesn't like puppies? Seriously, they were so fun. Several of the girls shared puppy duty last night, taking turns passing them around and remarking about their cuteness. Distracting? A little, especially when they would make adorable little puppy noises. But other than that, a warm welcome to Bible study.

I ask you, my dear friends, if we can clone a sheep, why can we not come up with something that makes puppies stay like puppies for a long time? That would just be the best thing since sliced bread, in my opinion.

Don't get me wrong here - I'm no fan of small dogs. Can't stand 'em. I love big dogs, and really want one whenever Amar and I have the means with which to take care of one (i.e. house + yard). Medium-sized dogs are ok, depending on the breed. But dogs that fit in your purse? Creepy.


Unless they were puppies!

Puppies in your purse would be fantastic!

Well, maybe not fantastic, but more fun than a little rat-dog in your purse.

So I started thinking last night...if we really could prolong the puppy stage, you'd have to have some way to take them around with you. Preferrably, not in your handbag. And then it hit me (like many of my other life-changing ideas that I'll share with you later): cuppies*!!

*This idea is patented, trademarked, and is offically creative property of the author. How sad would it be if someone actually tried to steal the idea of cuppies...

For more cuteness, check out


amar rama said...

not trying to step on the authors high security idea protection. but you still have not defined what cuppies are.. you have just introduced the term..

just saying...

kimmie said...

Sadly, someone has beat me to the cuppies idea: exhibit a

kimmie said...

Dang it! exhibit b

kimmie said...

I surrender :( exhibit c

amar rama said...

R.I.P indeed. How about

cittens or
ciglets or
cup bunnies (errr right..) or

Anonymous said...

Because I like you, I'll let you in on my new business idea before I go IPO: Netkittens.

It's just like Netflix, except with kittens instead. We mail the consumer three kittens and they play with them for as long as they want. When the kittens get too cat-like, the consumer mails them back in a prepaid envelope and we mail them new kittens. So for a reasonable monthly fee they get permanent kittens. Puppies, bunnies, and other furry balls of cuteness would follow the same business model.

amusingt said...

What do you people do while you are at work?

hlw said...

Exhibit A - HILARIOUS!!