Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hey there, remember me?

Sorry I've been a little light on the blogging lately. Work is picking up, as is usual this time of year, and I just haven't been able to spend a lot of time on the blog. So here's an update for you of recent happenings. Enjoy!
  • Amar had a birthday!
  • I got a raise
  • ...and a promotion
  • We only have 1 more membership class until we're official
  • We unpacked/decorated some more
  • We took our first trip to Costco as a married couple. Exciting!?
  • We saw The Illusionist
  • Amar chopped his hair off
  • We had two dinners with two different sets of friends. Yay!
  • I finally signed the lease
  • I got my new drivers license
  • We sorted the this really list-worthy?
  • We celebrated an engagement!
  • I'm still making my way through The Chronicles...I'm all the way to "Prince Caspian"
  • We used our new waffle maker...sort of
  • We got tickets to the A&M/Nebraska game - whoop
  • We each drove to and from work several times
  • I ordered a new cell phone!

So yes. Now you're all caught up. What list-worthy things have you been up to?


Anonymous said...

Whoop on the game tickets. I went to the LA Tech game last weekend and other than the two hour rain delay it was pretty awesome. Actually including the rain delay it was still a lot of fun.

What kind of phone did you order?

Kevin said...

So what's your title at work now?

kimmie said...

Sorry - I've been meaning to respond...

Miguel - It's a Nokia 6030, I think.

Ron - I do love the land I'm in, but not because of UT. Oh, and my heart broke when I heard about the A&M/Tech game. Ouch!

Rachel - I am now officially a CKO - A Chief Kim Officer. Seriously, though, I just got bumped up one rung of the Project Manager ladder. Nothing too crazy...

kimmie said...

Oh, Mr. Peron, is it ok if I call you Ron? :)

noell said...

Yeah for the engagement! :) Thanks for all your help and for including us on the birthday celebration! It was my first time for thai food...and although i remembered it the next morning - it was pretty yummy. Note to others: don't experience the very hottest possible when first trying out thai...