Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Last Kiss: A review

Monday night is "date night" for us, so last night we did dinner and a movie, conveniently at the same time, via the Alamo Drafthouse. Since there's not much out, I decided (based on some very minimal reviews) that we should see The Last Kiss with Zach Braff.*


Well, not totally. But this was not the movie that I was expecting to see. Granted, I hadn't read much about it. I think I read that it was a "predictable romantic movie" so I thought, "Hey - that sounds great for date night." I purposefully didn't read too many reviews because I didn't want to spoil the movie. I saw a critic write that if one was expecting another "Garden State" this was not the movie for them. Great! I wasn't a huge fan of Garden State...so off we went.**

Sure - there were some good moments. Some good insight on relationships. Some good one-liners.

But at one point of the movie, I was actually almost cheering for this girl to stab her boyfriend. What? Yeah, messed up.

The movie was very much set in an "anything goes" lifestyle, so I had a hard time really seeing the logic/sense that people were basing their decisions on. There were times during the movie that I really cringed, wanting to slap these people and knock some sense into them. I'm typically a little low on the mercy-meter, so I didn't really feel sorry for them when they kept on making choices that basically destroyed their lives...

Anyhow, if you see it, let me know what you think of it.

*Now don't get me wrong here about Zach. I do like me some Scrubs...

**Yes, I do realize I'm probably in the minority here on Garden State. Maybe I should watch it again? I don't love Natalie Portman, so I spent half the movie just getting over that...oh well.


malita said...

I totally agree - Shawna and I saw it and just thought it was painful - first of all his decisions are just nausiating!! All of there lives are - I didn't love it either - but mmm mmm I do love Garden State!

amar rama said...

I was reluctant to watch this movie (going in) but came out amused at the end. It is painful and stupid but painfully accurate in describing our culture at various points..