Friday, October 06, 2006

One more for the reading list

In summarizing my reading accomplishments for the year, I forgot one of the more significant. We're currently going through The Lies We Believe in our weekly Bible study. I cannot say enough about this book. I think this should also be filed under my "resolutions" - in that I should have a resolution to quit believing such filth.

The author goes to our church and frequently teaches in the Young Couples class. Chris is great. He is honest, funny, genuine, and caring to everyone he comes into contact with.

In this book of his, he takes you through the various traps that we start to believe when we go through daily life. The thing is, it seems like on every page there is something I can identify with.

He talks about self lies, like perfectionism (hello!), people-pleasing, and worth being determined by our performance.

He talks about marital lies, like everything is my spouse's fault, marriage should be easy, and the idea that your spouse owes you.

He talks about distortion lies, like making mountains out of molehills, missing the forest for the trees, and black and white thinking (oh brother!).

He talks about religions lies, like trying to earn God's love, God hating the sin and the sinner, and things like "good Christians" not feeling angry, anxious and/or depressed.

But he doesn't just take you through the icky things and leave you hanging. He does a great job of telling you the truth. Everyone suffers from wrong thinking. Heck, Jesus describes Satan as the father of lies (see John 8:42-47), so would it not make sense for him to invade our way of thinking, tainting it with lies that keep us from seeing (and living) God's truth?

All in all, it's a great read. Not because of eloquent writing or fantastic storytelling. It's great because it challenges you to think differently. It reminds you of who God is and who He made you to be. Good stuff, my friends.


Anonymous said...

Sounds good. If they make it into a made-for-TV-movie I'll record it for you.

kimmie said...

Thanks, DVR. You're the best!

amusingt said...

Your comments are very close to the study that I did last week. Satan's lies are BIG but subtle, and therein lies the major part of the trap.