Thursday, October 26, 2006

A rose by any other name...

Would probably have a different occupation.

I stumbled upon this article on Slate today while catching up on office email.

It's about people who have names that are aptronyms. Names which inadvertently describe their occupations. Interesting.

The list is amusing, especially the section on dentists. Ouch!

But I then realized that I knew someone with an aptronym name. Well, sort of.

Back in high school, the Men's Athletic Director was a man named Coach Sports. Ha! Yes, his name was indeed Sports and he was most certainly a football coach and AD. Honestly, I didn't really think much of it back in high school. It just seemed a bit random.

But then a rumor broke out that he changed his name to Sports when he started coaching. What is that about? Seems a little extreme to me, but whatever works.

How does "Kim Typesalot" sound? Catchy, eh?

1 comment:

amar rama said...

Well walk down Jollyville road and you cannot miss the advertisement for Dr Richard Chop - urologist