Thursday, October 19, 2006

Pure T.V. post

Yes, I'm sorry. But I have to write about this.

I was a t.v. kid. Partly my own doing, partly that of my parents. So weaning myself off of the thing has taken some time. I'm getting better, in that I actually read for fun now. Crazy, yes, I know. It's a whole new world out there, people.

Actual Post
But I still have a few shows that I watch each week. Lucky for me, Amar watches (most of) them with me.

This big one for this week was the finale of Project Runway. I've watched that show from the beginning, and I really enjoy it.

But last night was just insane. I mean, come on...Jeffrey?!?!?!


I'll just say this - that would not have been my pick. But what do I know about fashion. Heck, I'm wearing corduroy shoes that I bought at Old Navy 3 years ago.


Adriel said...

Which books?

I like Goodnight Moon myself...

Anonymous said...

Christy and I watched it- a bizarre man wins a bizarre show.