Thursday, June 29, 2006

Caution: Patient shows mild aggression in her sleep

So last night I went to sleep a little later than normal. No biggie. I was out pretty quickly after my head hit the pillow. Typically, I do dream, but I don't always remember what the dreams are about. Last night was an exception.

Last night, I succinctly remember dreaming that I told someone off. And I don't mean in a wimpy "You're not my friend" kind of way. I really let loose. I had my finger shaking in their face, I had excellent delivery and a superb choice of vocabulary. I did not use any profanities, but I did get my point across that not only was I very disappointed in this persons behavior, I was hurt by it and by golly, they were either going to apologize for it or further face my wrath.

Said person just sat back and laughed while I resisted the urge to shake them by their shoulders.

Then I woke up. I realized that my heart was racing, and that I felt like a huge weight had just been lifted off my shoulders. I wondered if I had actually said any of my dream out loud as I was dreaming, as I have been known to talk in my sleep.

But I felt so good! Is that weird? It felt weird.

And no, I completely promise that this post is not about you. I am 100% certain that the person in my dreams does not read this blog, nor will they ever. And no, that's not why I was mad at them :)

How about you? Any weird dreams lately?


M.E. said...

I've been having alot of wierd dreams lately, which is interesting because I usually don't remember my dreams either.

malita said...

hmmm - Freaud and Confucious would agree - you obviously have majorly (Freud uses majorly in his vocab)bottled up agression against this person and are trying to be "nice" and surpress it. Having this kind of dream means it is very obvious to you that the conflict is right at the surface but is being ignored for politeness sake. Passive agressive regression will show up and is showing up in your dreams. It's only a matter of time before it all comes out...

Confucious also asks - who says golly?