Friday, September 30, 2005

I love Dove

A friend of mine at work has a not-so-secret candy stash at her desk. And her favorite candy happens to be Dove dark chocolate. Dove, ingeniously, has made these little bite-sized candies that, upon consuming, one cannot stop from stuffing one's face with.

But I digress.

Each candy has a little "Promise message" (their words, not mine) on the inside of the wrapper. Here are a few from candies past:
  • Go against the grain.
  • Make "someday" today.
  • There's a time for's called "later."
You get the drift.

But the one I got today I thought was cute: When two hearts race, both win.

Now if you know me at all, you know I'm not all about mushy-gushy stuff like that. But I kind of liked their attempt at it today.

Dove chocolate - making your mouth, and your heart, happy.


Alexia & Jeffrey said...

i also LOVE those little dove chocolates - and the messages that come with them :-)
one of my roommates in college always kept a bag in the fridge...that was not my healthiest summer on record...

kimmie said...

I, too, had a summer similar to yours. Only, my vice was Oreo icing. That, my friends, was a fun summer.