Friday, September 16, 2005

In conclusion

I am so glad that this week is drawing to a close. Or maybe I should look at it like the weekend is just beginning. I'm really glad that we don't have to earn weekends. They are just there. Automatically. You don't have to have a really great week in order to get a weekend. It's tacked on, right there at the end. For all to enjoy. And enjoy I will.

By about 3PM today, the only "nourishment" that was in my system for the whole day was about 4 cups of coffee and two doughnuts. It was a rough morning. But I survived nonetheless.

Anyhow, the coffee was directly related to the fact that last night was another late night. We finished another house last night. It was so great. It's for a family of 6. They have 4 girls! How fun! We started with a new group of volunteers, all eager and excited to get going on their first house. But there was a bit of a snag. Due to extenuating circumstances, when we got to the house, there was no power or water. No electricity. No air conditioning. Did I mention that we are in Texas? Did I mention that we only have 2 seasons - hot and really hot?

So we opened all the windows, and had some "emergency" lighting going on (3 lamps plugged into an outside power box via a series of extension cords). We had a few bottles of water. And we had a lot of work to do.

But we were out of there around midnight. One house down, several to go. That's the update for now. Good stuff!

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