Thursday, September 22, 2005

Another hurricane, it seems

And I'm housing a refugee and her cat. Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased to be doing so. One of my college roommates, in fact, found herself fleeing from Houston early this morning. When I say early, I mean it was barely morning when she left.

She called me at 2:15AM to tell me she was leaving. She lives in Katy, on the Northwest side of Houston. After having a nightmare (partly about a hurricane, partly about the season premiere of Lost), I woke up at around 5:30. So I tried to call her several times to see how far she had made it. After finally getting through around 5:45, she told me that she was about 20 miles outside of Katy.

20 miles!!!

3 hours to go 20 miles. Wow.

We soon found that text messaging was the best way to reach each other, so while I was working during the day, we were "texting" back and forth. You know what time she finally made it to my house today? Noon. Noon! What is normally a 3 hour trip from Houston to Austin became a 10 hour trip. How insane. But at least she's safe, and she's upstairs sleeping, since she had been up for more than 24 hours.

My other friends, God bless 'em, are riding the storm out in Houston. Jules - best of luck to you. Be safe and I love you!


Anonymous said...

You were up at 2:15 and 5:30 am!!! You should definitely be in bed now instead of at Sonic . . .

kimmie said...

Gotta eat dinner sometime, right? Even if it is a kid's meal with a corn dog :) But we did learn some interesting facts about Jupiter, and for that, I'm thankful.

Anonymous said...

Oooooo . . . interesting facts about Jupiter? Do elaborate on said facts.

kimmie said...

If you're who I think you are, then you know exactly what the diameter of Jupiter is. And it's mass, and distance from the sun and the fact that it can hold all the other planets in it simultaneously (but I think I already knew that last one...).

My current bid: $1, Bob

On the other hand, if this is someone else, then go look this stuff up yourself :)

Anonymous said...

I do know that the Great Red Spot has persisted for at least 300 years and is between 2 and 3 times as large as all of Earth (so it's like a category 97 hurricane), but I'm not Bob. ;)

kimmie said...

Interesting. That tidbit was not included on our Sonic funpack. But good to know nonetheless.

And yes, I know you're name isn't Bob :)