Friday, September 23, 2005

General observations

I think I'm learning to live life. I mean really live it. I don't exactly know what that means, but I think I like it so far.

After we go to all the trouble to spend our young years making plans for our older years, God effortlessly shows us that most, if not all, of those plans were self-centered and without vision or focus. But then, He doesn't just leave us there with an eraser in our hands. He gives us a new piece of paper. A new vision. A new focus.

And in no way am I saying that I know exactly what that looks like. Much to the contrary, my dear friends. But I am saying that there's just something about going from pause to play.

Whenever people come into town, they always want to do "Austin-y" things. But as they say, a fish doesn't necessarily know that he's in water. In much the same way, Austin, to me, doesn't always seem all that special. But I had a spontaneous, Austin-y night. Two birds with one stone folks: me being spontaneous, and me doing Austin-type stuff. And it was life. It wasn't planned. It wasn't labored over. It wasn't dressed up or cute outfits. It wasn't busy, or boring, or even all that amazing in general. And that's what was so amazing about it.

Just a couple of girls out for the night. And now I sit here, snuggled up, ready for bed, writing and listening to David Gray, getting ready to read some Donald Miller. It's almost as if I planned it.

And I realized something about myself. Some of you probably already knew it, but I think I really saw it clearly for the first time today. I seek out the drama in life, but I'm satisfied all too often with the mundane. I'm not sure if that's necessarily good or bad, but it's something. It's a pulse.

Good night.


Anonymous said...

Just had to let you know that it took Josh and I 22 hours to get to Greenville... 15 of that was just to get from our house to CONROE. It was absolutely insane.

kimmie said...

So glad to hear from you, dear. Now that I know you're online, I'll get a note out to you soon. Glad that the family is ok!!

Alexia & Jeffrey said...

it's comforting to know that i'm not the only one who "seeks out the drama" and yet is "satisfied with the mundane." although i think the seeking of the drama is only talk with me - when it comes i tend to freak :-\
anyway, i hope that you have had a magnificent monday! :-D