Friday, September 09, 2005

It's funny how God kind of weaves things together in ways that we don't always comprehend until He's "finished" - but seriously, when is He finished? Recently, I've had the "do what you love" conversation about 7 times over the past two weeks. Questions like, "how do you know what you love?" and "how do you actually arrange to do it?" kept coming up with various friends and acquaintances. And everyone has their own two cents. Most of the people I know are not actually doing what they love, but most of them at least had an idea of what it was that they loved.

I, on the other hand, am a coward. When talking to my roommate I confessed that I didn't really know how to do what I loved because I didn't know what I loved. In her "kind" way, she called me out. And rightly so. I know it's somewhere down in there, but I think fear keeps me from realizing that it really is down in there somewhere. It just needs to come to the surface.

And right on the heels of those conversations and that wondering, opportunities abound. And not just opportunities to have fun and serve people. But opportunities that I literally am losing sleep over. Things that I can't imagine tiring of. Things that I'll drop everything else to do. Things that I can't help but tell everyone else about. And I'm so thankful for these things. Yes, it's only been a week. And I have no idea how this will all play out in the future, but I am so excited to be so excited about something, and I'm thankful for that.


Anonymous said...

I am right there with you kim. I am ok with my computer job. I loved missions, but God did not make it possible for me to go back for years. I love spending time caring for people's emotionaal and physcological needs... I don't know if that is a job or not. I to am still exploring

Alexia & Jeffrey said...

hey - im glad you are able to admit that you don't know...too many people put up a front of having everything together, when really, who has everything together? life is a process. and i enjoy reading about yours :-)