Thursday, September 08, 2005

I hate waiting

Maybe that's part of the reason that we're often instructed to wait on the Lord. It's almost like we're programmed to do anything but wait. But that being said...

The family is moving in this afternoon. I have no idea who they are, where they're from, what they do for a living, what their kids like, what their hopes and dreams are...but I do know that they have a home with a shiny red door. And that makes me so excited I can hardly wait. I hate that I didn't take before and after pictures, but that doesn't keep me up at night.

What does keep me up at night is thinking about how much there is to be done, specifically to help those that are here in town, but also those that hurt like this every day. My roommate and I have traded about 30 emails today swapping ideas of how we can help, who we can involve, and all that. But for now, I'm glad that it just starts with one family. And I have no idea how this story will end, but I'm so thankful that I got to help in this tiny way.

I'm sure I'll post again when I have an update about the family. Stay tuned.

P.S. Remind me later if I don't fit this in with the on-going discussion I've been having entitled, "Do What You Love" combined with using spiritual gifts, waiting on the Lord, and being obedient. My it's an intricate tapestry of topics :)

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