Monday, February 11, 2008

Project Table: An introduction

I like to make things.

At times, I also tend to overestimate my ability to do so.

This deadly combination recently manifested iteself in the form of my newest project for the house: a dining room table.

I've been thinking about our need for a bigger table for a few weeks now, but I wasn't really ready to take the plunge, spend several hundred dollars, and have something cookie-cutter in our dining room. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just wanted to do something different.

I've seen this particular experiment done on t.v. before, so I'm going to attempt to recreate it for the purpose of allowing us to host more than 2 people for dinner at our humble abode.

To summarize: I'm going to attempt to take 2 old interior doors, cut them to size, join them together, attach legs, and add a nice piece of tempered glass to the top. Voila - we've got ourselves a table.

So Amar suggested that I keep a running status of the project on this here blog, since I know you are just dying to know what we're up to.

Current project status:
There are two very old, very dusty, very ugly doors on our front porch. I was able to partially remove some of the harware on one of the doors over the weekend.

What's up next:
This evening I'm hoping to get the doors cleaned (they are really filthy). I'd also like to get the remaining hardware removed and the paint scraped off. Since I'm planning to paint the wood, and not stain it, it's not imperrative that it be totally stripped down. And if the wood happens to get a little scuffed up in the scraping process, it will just create all the more character.

Wish me luck.

I'll also try to post pictures of the process, so you can feel like you're right there with me, which I know is of importance to you all.

For now, however, here's a taste of what the end project will resemble, and a link to a "how to" article:

How To article

1 comment:

hlw said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea!!