Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Project Table: Inching towards completion

Yesterday was a good day in table-construction land. Tis a cheerful land, able to transport one's thoughts from the rut of day-to-day schlepping about to a land of magical power tools, sawdust and progress! Join me, won't you?

Because Austin's weather apparently thought that the city was temporarily located in the Southern hemisphere yesterday, conditions on the previous work-site (the front porch) were too stifling to endure. So project table went indoors.

The new work-site:

The first step yesterday was lining up the doors and joining them with two hinges, set perpendicular to the seam for stability, as you can see in the super-fancy-artsy-macro-closeup of said hinge:

Here's an idea of what the table looked like from the under side, pre-legs. In this shot, you can also see the tools needed for such a job:

1. Duct tape
2. Fancy drill
3. Pencil
4. Pillow
5. Tape measure

Yep, we're all pro here at Project Table. And don't you forget it.

Ok, moving on. I chose to use 5 table legs for this particular setup. One at each corner, and one in the middle to support the seam. Here's a shot from below so you can get the idea:

And here is the current product, not quite in it's final form:

What could be missing from this picture of perfection, you ask? The following:
  • Glass for the top
  • Potentially a coat of poly
  • Some kickin' chairs


amar rama said...

luuuvvvvvvvvv it!!

McBean said...

This is SO COOL! What a pro! OK, you're hired!

Unknown said...

Have you considered making chairs out of windows? :)

kimmie said...

Awww yeah! Sweet idea, John! And we do have some windows that might need repurposing :)

hlw said...