Thursday, March 01, 2007

My world is officially shaken


This is my life blood.

And now, half of it is considered poison.

At first, I didn't think much of it. What's that you say about peanut butter? Oh, never you mind. That stuff is fine. Heck - it's comfort food.

Well, apparently people have had their fair amount of discomfort if you knowatimsayin.

So then I checked our pantry. And then I ran screaming from the house. My stash had been contaminated.

Begrudgingly, I threw it out. All that poor, pitiful, poisoned peanut butter. You had such potential. With the crackers, and the bread, and not to mention the various flavors of chocolate you mingle so well with.

The spinach debacle, I could deal with. But this? It's too much.

Peanut butter, by dear friend, it's like I don't even know who you are anymore.

How do you go from this:

To this:


Kevin said...

You spoke to my heart. I love peanut butter and had to throw mine out too. Very Very sad.

karen said...

I must say I was surprised by that announcement, but I can just imagine what it was like for you!! :)

Amanda said...

I, too, shared your sense of betrayal when I found that my faithful friend since childhood, Peter Pan Crunchy Peanut Butter, was sitting contaminated in my pantry (though I had already eaten about half of the jar, & served it to guests -- no ill effects reported)!