Monday, March 26, 2007

I need a bib

I was eating lunch at my desk today, listening intently to a conference call while munching on a chocolate chip cookie. Sounds innocent enough, right?

Well, contrary to the popular belief that only 2 year olds smear their food on themselves, I managed to wind up partially covered in chocolate for the better part of the conference call and not even know it.

I happened to look down at my white shirt, only to see a HUGE smear of chocolate across my stomach. I stood up, checked the rest of my shirt, and bam! More chocolate! My cube neighbor joked that I had it all over my face, which, luckily for me, wasn't quite true. However, I then noticed that I did indeed have it smeared on my left forearm.

So I discretely made my way down to the bathroom and began dousing myself with water, trying to get as much chocolate off of my white shirt as possible. All the while, since they just installed automatic paper towel dispensers right next to the sink, paper towels kept coming out at me everytime I moved.

Was this the bathroom's feebile attempt to help a woman in distress?


So once my shirt was as clean (and now wet) as possible, I tried to nonchalantly walk back to my desk, hoping that no one would notice the wet, brown spots on the front of my shirt.

After reaching my cube, I realized that I was saved! I had a black sweater in the back of a drawer! Wrikled as it was, it covered up the offending spots. And so what if I'm wearing brown shoes and a brown belt? Right?

1 comment:

amusingt said...

This would be a major fashion faux pas! In the style world, you would be shunned. I would barely have been able to collect myself after seeing you in this hideousness, if I had not known that chocolate was the reason. Because the culprit was chocolate, I will excuse you this one time or any other time that you eat chocolate. To me, chocolate trumps style any day of the week.