Monday, December 19, 2005

Zero progress

That's how far I've come thus far on my Christmas shopping. I don't even have a list yet, nor do I know who I'm buying for. But yes, I understand that it's not about the gifts, or even the quality time. It's about celebrating the birth of our Savior. And for that, I need no gift card, no wrapping paper, no curly ribbon. I need a humble, reflective, quiet heart. And I can't wait to be free from work so I can focus on just that.

I have one more day left "in the office," but I plan to work remotely. No meetings, no conference calls, no worries. My desk is clean and largely paperwork-free. For that, I'm quite thankful. I'm also thankful for flexible hours this time of year, which reminds me that some of the not-so-flexible times of the year allow for an easier holiday time for me. All good things.

Anyhow, I hope the time is treating you well. Enjoy your travels, your time with family, and your time unwinding. Oh, and for those of you in the Austin area, forget about a white Christmas. It's supposed to be 70 degrees. Woo hoo! Get out your flip flops!!

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