Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The bottom line

Money: I've been thinking about it a lot. I guess it comes on the heels of considering how exactly I'll spend my holiday dollars, but it got me thinking. Why do I manage my money the way I do? Not that I'm sitting on a small fortune or anything, but I want to be a good steward of what I'm responsible for, you know?

Somehow, thanks mostly to my parents (and possibly my conservative, Christian schooling as a child), I wound up with pretty strong will power when it comes to spending. But God, in his patient, loving way, is showing me that I put a little too much stock in my stock, if you will. He's showing me that I derive a lot of my feelings of safety and security from seeing a certain number on an online statement. So He's working on my heart in that manner.

But while I've been good at saving, I have practically zero credit history. So while I tend to be proud of my ability to pinch my pennies, I found out yesterday that American Express is not impressed. And yes, it was a blow to my pride. But a necessary one, I think. I don't know what made me put all this out there, but I think it's something we all struggle with to a certain degree. So there, that's my two cents. Thanks for letting me get on one of my many soapboxes.

By the way, for those of you in the Central Texas area, I hear it's going to get what we call "pretty nasty" tomorrow. Freezing temperatures, blustering winds and possibly some ice. Stay safe!!

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