Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Following instructions

It's always nice to look down at the box of cookies you happen to be consuming and read something like this:

Distinctive cookies are available in a number of exquisite varieties for the many reasons you deserve to treat yourself right every day.
Yep, I'm just doing my part here, folks. Just treating myself right, like I'm being told to do.

Meanwhile, it's twelve days until Christmas and I've bought exactly four gifts. I have no idea how many people I even need to buy gifts for, but I'm quite sure that it's WAY more than four. I at least know what two of the remaining gifts will be, but all the rest...well, I'm pretty clueless. However, I am finding that shopping for others often winds up as shopping for me, so I probably need to keep on keeping on.

Repeat to self: 'tis better to give than to receive...'tis better to give than to receive...'tis better to give than to receive...

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