Friday, December 09, 2005

I finally found my sweaters

Apparently, in a rush to organize my closet last spring, I neatly packed away all my "winter wear." And I did a really good job of it, because I couldn't find it this week when the temperatures started dipping into the 20s. Wow, it was crazy cold. Why does this change in weather always happen in a matter of hours? I've talked to several people who were wearing summer clothes earlier this week, only to don their parkas in the midst of yesterday's ice show. Insane.

And apparently this weekend it's supposed to get into the 60s. Seriously - PICK A SEASON!! I can't handle wearing long-johns in the morning, and flip flops in the afternoon. I physically can't keep up with the amount of laundry required to dress oneself during such dramatic climactic shifts.

And for those of you keeping up...this will likely be the last installment of the "Kim's Tips" segment - as I know that you just can't stand for such blatant displays of my brilliance to continue:

I got a new business cell phone for work, but for the life of me, I couldn't remember the number. I'd write it on my hand, email it to myself, keep a piece of paper with me at all times that had the new number....but none of those efforts made any significant difference in my apparent memory deficiency.

So I got to thinking one day - how could I easily keep the number with me in an accessible manner? Could I somehow leverage the camera that was on the phone already? What if I wrote the number down, then took a picture of it, and then saved that picture as the wallpaper on my phone? Brilliant! Now, whenever I need the number, I just flip open the phone. If I need to give someone else the number, I can just show it to them on the phone itself.

Yep, I'm pretty cool. Go ahead and admit it....


Alexia & Jeffrey said...

that's one i haven't heard yet. sounds like a good idea, but only works if you have a camera phone...

Anonymous said...

Another option would be to set the text on the phone (on those phones where you can change the text) to the phone's phone number (Phew, try saying that 3 times).

kimmie said...

Dominic my friend, you are a wealth of information!! Love it!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed - and just to make you feel better, I've successfully placed my christmas jewelry in a "safe" place and have yet to locate it this year. :)