Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Helpful tip

For the past several weeks, I've noticed that despite all of my best intentions, I continue to leave my lunch at home when I head off to work in the mornings. When I wake up each morning, I think, "Don't forget your lunch!" And each day I try to grab it on the way out the door, I forget. I even had to call my roommate one day to ask her to put my abandoned lunch back in the fridge, because I left it sitting out (so that I wouldn't forget it...).

This morning I decided that I needed a new approach. I started wondering about the absolutely necessary items that I had to have before leaving the house, figuring that if I could link the lunch and the necessary item, I was set. Items that immediately came to mind were clothing, computer, keys, and wallet. But how could I link the two items? Wouldn't most people just put a note somewhere? What was a girl to do?

And then it hit me - put my keys in the fridge on top of my lunch. Were the keys cold by the time I was ready to leave for work? You bet. But was my belly full with tasty fried rice a lunchtime today? Most certainly it was.

And that, my friends, is the helpful tip of the day. I have another one to share in the near future....but I'll leave you in suspense for now :)


Anonymous said...

I regularily do this if/when I have food leftovers and I'm at someone's house.

In order to not forget them, I will put my keys on top of the food item(s) in the fridge.. Cuz I'll need the keys to leave.

It also works when putting your wallet/cellphone/other things somewhere.

- d.

kimmie said...

Wow - I really thought I was brillant for a moment there. Glad to know that great minds do, in fact, think alike. Any other tips to share, Dominic?

Anonymous said...

Yeah whenever my friend Susan goes to peoples house she does this - so if she is ever at our house I gurantee her keys are in our fridge!

She also keeps her cereal in her fridge so it won't go stale - if you are interested ;->

kimmie said...

How was I so clueless on this fridge thing? Y'all are awesome...