Tuesday, August 23, 2005

While the cat's away

So apparently, while I've been on my blogging hiatus, I've been getting spammed. My apologies, dear readers. I'm going to try to take care of that.

I'm actually posting from North Carolina. Good stuff! I'm midway through my first business trip. The flights were good, the hotel plush, the friends entertaining and the food tasty. All in all, it's been a pleasant stay so far. Let's hope the streak continues.

I hope to explore a bit tonight and let you all know how it goes. We ate at a Brazilian barbecue place last night, and it was quite good. It will be hard to top...

Tonight, I'm looking forward to checking out Winston-Salem. Though it's a college town, I hear there's not much to do there. We'll see about that....wish me luck!

P.S. The sunrises and sunsets here are beautiful. Just thought you should know.


Anonymous said...

Was it better than the Brazillian BBQ in Shenyang? ;)

Glad that you're having a good trip!

kimmie said...

It was significantly better than Chinese Brazillian BBQ, by far.