Saturday, August 06, 2005

What do you say?

My heart is heavy this morning, as I found out late last night that one of my best friends is now experiencing a very difficult loss. Her grandparents were in a horrible car accident yesterday afternoon, and her grandmother (who was in her 90's) was killed. Her grandfather is now in the ICU at a nearby hospital, but they're not sure about his condition.

I've experienced many losses in my life, but still I'm finding that sometimes there are just no words. And maybe that's for the best. I honestly don't remember what people told me during those difficult times in my life, but I do remember their faces, and the fact that they cared. I remember their hugs, and the way they provided for my family.

The same family who is going through this loss today is also the same family that basically adopted me in high school after my family experienced a difficult loss. I was literally in the cradle with their daughter, and from that point on through the next 18 years, we were practically inseparable. They were there for me and my family in ways that I can't even describe. And now it's my turn to do the same for them.

Please be praying for the Morris family today, if you have the opportunity. Thanks.

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