Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Why am I acting like I was gone for 10 years?

It was two weeks. No more, no less. Yet my mind and my body are acting like I was out of the country for ages. My bed still seems strange, I can't find my glasses, and I had no idea how to turn off (much less get to) my alarm clock this morning. Should I be thankful that I'm not adjusting quickly? Possibly. I'll think on that some more and get back to you.

I finally hit the wall at about 2:30 yesterday. I was sitting at my desk and started to really feel bad. Not just tired, but heavy, in a way. So I thought about my options and decided to work from home for the remainder of the afternoon. Once I got home, I was glad that I had decided to leave the office, because I didn't last much longer. I slept for 2 1/2 hours, and then still had a hard time getting up. But alas, today I'm doing well. And as a bonus, I'm almost completely caught up at work. Good show!

Things I've noticed upon my return:
I now have the phrase "western toilet" in my vocabulary.
I still have to think twice before flushing toilet paper.
Meeting Christians here is just as refreshing as meeting them in Asia.
I have more foreign change in my wallet than I do American change.
I kind of miss being a visible minority.
I really missed dairy products, but have yet to partake of any ice cream.
I like saying that I was "out of the country."
There are now about 10 more books on my reading list.
I can't wait to go to church on Sunday. I should feel like this more often.
Arrested Development is as funny now as it was two weeks ago.
I missed home, but not as much as I thought I would.


Anonymous said...

Nice to have you back, I can identify with a lot of the things you've noticed. We should watch arrested developement sometime. The Duke introduced me to the show,and I really like it :-)

kimmie said...

Anytime, Jim. It totally cracks me up. My roommate has all of season 1 on DVD. I need to return your language materials sometime soon...AND try your coffee - ahem - I mean place an order for your coffee!