Thursday, August 04, 2005

Old email doesn't lose it's flavor

I was reading some old emails today from folks in college. One of my friends gave me a quote prior to us going on a mission trip back then, and I thought it seemed swell to pass it along. So here goes:

"You should not be willing to go, and have planned to stay here, but rather, you should plan to go and be willing to stay." J.R. Vassar

I thought this was interesting. I won't get on my soapbox about the word "missions," but rather, say that having the mindset described above is tough to do. Yes, I know I'm probably romanticising the idea of spending a considerable amount of time abroad teaching and telling people about Jesus. But just let me continue, for a moment, if you will.

I've felt the hunger to "go" since my senior year in high school. No, I won't tell you how long ago that was. I had been on "mission trips" prior to that time, but had never really thought of it as a type of calling. After attending a college conference that year, God really opened me to the idea of going. Not anywhere in particular, but just going. And the next four years of life presented several opportunities to do just that.

And then came corporate America. When I was younger I really thought I wanted to be in corporate America. And I have no doubt that it was meant to be that way for a season. But when is that season over? Do I now need to pray that I would be willing to stay, though I have a desire to go? So much to think about.

"In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9

And here I sit in my room, typing this out, contemplating life's next steps, with a flip flop resting in my lap to fend off any pesky critters that may have come in while I've had the window open. Does it get any better than this? Yes, let's hope it does.

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