Monday, August 01, 2005


That was the "unread email" count after 11 days off of work. Not too shabby, but then again, I'm not sure what I was expecting. Anyhow, I'm still adjusting a bit to being back at home. I slept well and have thus far, had very little effects from any jet lag. Praise God! Really, I just love typing "God" and not worrying about it being caught in some crazy governmental firewall. So please excuse me if I in any way overuse any Christian verbiage for the next while...

It was really different sleeping in a soft bed. I didn't think it would be weird, but it was. It was almost too soft and comfy. I've never thought that before, but it was just weird.

And apparently since the water hasn't been potable where I was staying, almost everyone else on the team was brushing their teeth with bottled water for the past 16 days. No one told me until we got to Los Angeles, however, and they looked at me like I was crazy when I told them I had been using tap water. Just one of those things, I guess.

I'll continue to post more, as I get a little further through the unread pile. After 2 hours, I'm down to 254 unread. Nice progress, in my opinion...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad your toothbrushing adventures didn't make you too sick... we're hoping to come to Austin for a visit soon now that you're back. Any weekends in August that would be good for you?
Love ya!