Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A third of the way there...

Well, these first few days of work have been...how should I put it? Oh yeah, long!

We catch the shuttle at 7AM to get here, and we catch the shuttle at 6PM to leave, and an hour's drive on each end of that journey. That makes for a long day. But we're being productive, I guess :) Still wearing hard hats and safety glasses, but this time around we have indoor plumbing. Oh, bless those people who have been working on that!

We also have a cafeteria in the building now. But I'm still relying on my good ol' rice and beans to get me by. I'm not willing to risk the mystery meat yet. Here's an actual conversation I had with a Brazilian friend of mine yesterday during lunch:

Me: What kind of meat would you say this is?
Him: What? What do you mean?
Me: I mean what type of meat is this? From what animal?
Him: Well, I guess it's meat. The normal kind.
Me: Um, yeah. I'm going to pass.

Other than that, nothing too eventful has happened. It's warm here, so it's a bit crazy to imagine Austin as a block of ice right now.


amusingt said...

Sounds like an adventure! I'll be praying for you while in Brazil...watch out for fireworks!

amar rama said...

I am sorry that the days are long in Brazil. :-( Just 4 more days! :)