Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I amaze myself sometimes

I cooked.

A meal.

And it wasn't from a box.

Seriously, yes, Amar and I had spiffy pasta and broccoli last night. And in paying me perhaps the best compliment, he said, "This is good. This is 'invite people over' good."

So yes, I'm on a roll. Or at least the beginning of one. I mean I was rolling and cutting basil leaves. Amar was slicing garlic and cubing mozarella. I was dicing tomatoes and sprinkling red pepper flakes. Flavors were flying across the room left and right. The aroma of a nice meal permeated the entire place. Wow.

And it was apparently good enough that we both had leftovers for lunch today. Yee haw! We're in business!

I'm going to attempt two more dishes in the next few days, but as I type this, I'm reminded of some wise words....

"Pride goes before destruction,
a haughty spirit before a fall."
Proverbs 16:18


kimmie said...

Oh, and I'm going to try to make my own granola tonight. Wish me luck!

kmac said...

you rock!

malita said...

leave it to Kim to throw in a Bible verse - oh and regarding a previous post - we still have Christmas stuff up as well.

kimmie said...

Well, we finally took our Christmas stuff down. Best of luck with yours!

noell said...

I know i'm way late on this - but i've been a bit behind on my blog reading. I'm quite impressed...and hope you keep continuing! We should swap home cooked meals in our neighboring apartments!