Thursday, October 06, 2005

Is this thing on?

Says Kim to her email. I keep hitting "refresh" and nothing is happening. It's like those sad 80's movies, where someone is waiting for a phone call, and they call the operator to make sure their phone is still working. And we all know that the phone is still working. It's the poor sap who's waiting for a call - they're the ones that need fixing.

Well, I'm pretty sure the internet is still functioning properly, but sometimes I'm doubtful about my own mind. Waiting is hard, but good. Not that I even know what I'm waiting for, I just know that I'm waiting. I have not been cleared for landing, nor have all the tray tables been placed in their upright and locked position. Ugh.

But seriously, I'll rest easy tonight on my new featherbed, while the chilly autumn air settles outside of my window. Yes, I said chilly. And yes, I know it was seriously only about 70 degrees today. But I shivered at least 3 times, and I attribute that to the "cold Canadian air" that has descended upon Central Texas.

To be completely honest here, I actually turned on the heater in my car today. I'm such a wimp......


Anonymous said...

So, what's funny is the Internet really is broken, today . . . a little bit at least. See this for details.

Trina said...

kim, you can see the shining trialer i was talking about at