Wednesday, October 05, 2005

In memory of Mr. Buchholtz

Mr. Buchholtz passed away a few weeks ago. I found that out today. He was my 10th grade Sunday school director. I had just spoken with him a few weeks back, as he and his family had contacted me about donating a table to Houses to Homes. As always, he was chipper, upbeat, and friendly.

He wasn't home when we came by to do the pick-up, but his sweet wife Bonnie was. She was just returning from getting some ice cream, and was as cheerful as ever. They wanted the table to go to someone in need. And that it did. It's at home in a house on 14th street.

Bill and Bonnie were constant fixtures in our youth group growing up. They made 10th grade bearable. Even if they didn't know you that well, you still felt like part of the family. Mr. Buchholtz always went out of his way to ensure that everyone felt included - that everyone felt loved.

To read more about this dear man, and the incredible life he led, please read here. And please be praying for Bonnie and the kids. Experiencing a loss like this is inexplicable. But so is God's peace. My prayer for them is that they would know His peace in ways that words can't describe.

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