I occasionally peruse this personal finance blog for interesting financial tidbits, etc. Today's post gives users some tips for saving money at the grocery store.
10 things your supermarket won't tell you
Well, after perusing their list, one of their tips stood out to me:
Say it with me, folk: ewwww!!
Until recently, I would not have believed that.
That is, until my friend Kim told me about her neighborhood grocery store. You see, Kim was in the dairy section of said store, grabbing some yogurt. She saw something out of the corner of her eye. And behold - a giant rat. GIANT!! It scampered around the yogurt section, then hopped right in and disappeared behind the merchandise.
She just stared at it. When recounting the story, she described the rat as "comfortable with its surroundings....like it was at home in the yogurt section." Yeah, it probably has a little two bedroom condo back there.
Also - I pledge that this site will not become an "I hate all things rodent and bug" site. It just so happens that all of these events have happened relatively close to one another, and I wanted you to be in the loop.
Uh, yeah. That's it.
which kim is this? actually that does not help since they are both kim smiths. I want to know which store I should avoid
Would this be the same Kim Smith that jumped in her parents pool to then discover giant she said GIANT rat or rats I can't remember - swimming toward her!!!! I think she is the pied piper of the rat underworld - ewwwww!!!
Yes a giant building that holds food and has outside openings so their giant trucks that have stopped everywhere from one coast to the other may carry insects and rodents - quelle surprise!
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