Thursday, April 27, 2006

Work and play

My team at work had an "offsite" yesterday. We typically have these every few months, and they range from being really painful to being really fun. I've helped plan a few, and let me tell you, the ones I plan are of the "really fun" variety.

Or, at least, that's what I've been told.

Hmm, I'll look into that.

Anyhow, yesterday we went to lunch and then went bowling. Now, you see, I took bowling in college. As a class. For credit. Am I an even bigger dork than you imagined me being? You betcha.

But, it was fun, and I didn't have to change clothes in the middle of a day full of classes back then, so it worked for me. And I got an "A" so there!

My co-workers found out that I had been trained in the art of bowling, and thus, the teasing commenced early yesterday morning. I kept telling them that I wasn't very good. That I hadn't bowled in ages. That I had no idea how to bowl. But they didn't buy it. They kept calling me a "ringer" and telling me that I was going to kick their collective butts.

Well, I did.

At least a little bit :)

I bowled my all-time highest game ever! You should know that I'm fiercely competitive, even about stuff that doesn't even matter. Stuff that's supposed to be light-hearted and fun? Yeah, I'd better win. Stuff that I've never even attempted to do before in my life, but the winner gets a cool ribbon? Sure, I expect myself to finish among the top few. So when the teasing started around the office, my secret desire to show off my skillzz started to heighten. But I played it cool. A strike, here, a spare there. And tada! I finished well above my average on both games.

Though my team didn't win (we averaged everyone's scores), I was still pleased with our performance. Sure, it did sting a little to not be awarded the top prize. And yes, I know it's all about being a team player. Though I was heckled, no insults came out of my mouth. Though I was mistreated, I showed kindness to the folks on the other team :) I was a good girl.

So here's to bowling. I guess my time and tuition in college finally paid off.

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