Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I can quit anytime. Just not today.

I'm not one to be obsessed with celebrities.

Sure, when I have some downtime in the cubicle, I read up on the MSN Gossip every now and then. And yes, I peruse the front pages of the "magazines" in the checkout line at the grocery store, but who doesn't?

But today, I've stumbled upon a couple of links that just crack me up. I have no idea why I keep clicking "next" on this site, but I do.

And then there's this one, which isn't so much a celebrity site, but is still funny, especially if you read it with a Spanish accent in your head.

And last but not least, there's this one. Somewhat sketchy, yes. Somewhat funny, also yes.


1 comment:

Lippy said...

I must admit...I could not stop resist clicking next again and again and again...