Wednesday, April 13, 2005

A rose by any other name...

The topics of baby names has always intrigued me. I found this article interesting. It's about how your parents probably chose your name because it made you sound like you'd eventually be successful. Then when you were probably about 10, everyone else started getting the same name and yours wasn't cool anymore.

Also, I'm now officially a quarter of a century old. It was a good quarter of a century, if you ask me. Hope the next one is equally riveting!


Anonymous said...

definitely an interesting article... I love Slate. They're just so clever. And that name was definitely more interesting than your average list of baby names. Not that I look at lists of baby names. Of course not. Never.

kimmie said...

Sure...never. Ever. At least not until after the big vacation ;)

Anonymous said...

arrrrrrrghhhhh! We want posts!!! :)