Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Thai Taste

When I was in school, I lived behind a Thai food restaurant. Literally, it was in my backyard. And apparently it was popular, because the street was always lined with cars and there always seemed to be people milling around outside waiting for a table.

You can get Thai food there at 5 different levels of spice, 1 through 5, 5 being the level that causes grown men to cry. I've actually witnessed that reaction, and it made me chuckle. While I sat to eat my tame level 1 meal, my two friends (apparently both trying to impress us all with their manly ability to endure the intense spice of a level 5 dish) were actually wiping sweat and tears from their faces. The owners laughed at us. Good times.

So anyhow, I had Thai food last night. Since I hadn't eaten at this particular place before and couldn't pronounce anything off the menu, I asked the waiter to pick between the two finalists I had selected. I wound up with fishy-tasting chicken and white rice. All in all, it was a good meal. I still have no idea how you wind up with chicken tasting like fish. I thought of all the things to actually taste like chicken, chicken should do it.

Afterwards, we all decided to go check out my friends new apartment. Have you ever been to a home improvement stores paint section? They apparently set aside batches of paint that went awry and call them "Oops." They are cheaper than getting them to mix your own favorite color, and you often wind up with a very eclectic result. I think there were about 6 or 7 different "oops" colors in her entire apartment. And it was fun. I'm thinking of trying it out soon on my own room.

We also watched Danny Deckchair. I won't lie and say I didn't laugh. It's the same guy from Notting Hill. He looks totally different all cleaned up. Anyhow, if you're in the mood for a brainless movie, check it out.

On a literary note, I'm looking for more books to add to my reading list. I'm currently planning to read some John Bunyan, John Piper, C. S. Lewis (we read these in third grade, but I'd like to re-read them...), and maybe some other books that have been sitting on my shelf for awhile. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Hey, this is amar (too lazy to get an account). Wow! the things we grown ups talk about. Oh, what, oh what can I discuss here. Thai food to "oops" paints and all the way till John Bunyan. Man, so much to say, so little time to say it. So much to read, so little time to read it :-).
Thai food rocks! Not sure about the multi spice level though, my favourite is panang curry (highly recommend it).
Oops is one of the coolest things I have heard recently and I am stoked. When (and if) I do end up getting a place, there is going to be atleast one "oops" room in there. Bring it on :D

One way to solve the book dilemma is to read Bunyans "Pilgrims Progress" and C.S.L's "Pilgrims Regress" :-) I like it when I can tie the authors together in a context. Be warned though, from what I have heard these are the kind of books that "get into your friccking central cortex and medulla oblangata" and cause all kind of confusion there :-). So, make sure you do not set a unrealistic time line to finish these books. Maybe we can start a book club. Oh well this post is way longer than I wanted it to be already.

Cheerio Ms Rubsam. You are one of the coolest dorks out there ;-) keep it real!

Mizohican said...

Nice blog :-)
Looove thai food too... but i havent come across the really spicey ones. Guess i'm scared to try them out.

By the way, Kimmie, i'm Kima :-)

Anonymous said...

I feel totally honored - seriously - which is probably equally dorky :) i'm painting again this afternoon so chalk up another 'oops' to the palate!