Tuesday, January 25, 2005


So I realized that I haven't written anything in awhile. I could lie and say that I haven't had time, but that's simply not true. I think honestly it's because I haven't felt very creative lately. There is apparently some thought process way down in my head that says I have nothing entertaining to write. But why must this be a venue for entertainment? Can it not also be an opportunity to simply share about the mundane?

Possible cause 1: I recently read an article in National Geographic Adventure magazine about this couple who dropped everything (everything meaning whatever adventuresome thing happened to be going on in their lives already) and sailed halfway around the world. Yes, it was a good article, and given my slight fear for large, open, deep bodies of water in which you cannot see the bottom, it was scary in some parts. But compared to my daily habit of waking up, driving to work, working, driving home, hanging out with friends, and then going to bed....well, they seem a bit more interesting than I do.

Possible cause 2: There is a lot of living I feel like I have left to do. Recently I've had the travel bug. No, I haven't really done anything about it yet. I'm still in procrastination mode. But I have at least discussed the possibility with some friends. This is a start. Have we acted on anything yet? Aside from printing out trail maps of various ski resorts in the greater Colorado area, no. But it seems that there are endless places to go, people to meet and sites to see. All of this is thrilling, and at the same time exhausting, to think about.

So why should I think that sitting at a coffee shop with good friends and good conversation for hours on end is dull? I submit that it is indeed not dull at all, but it is the very stuff of life. It's people, for goodness sake. I don't think that when Jesus said, "I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full" that He meant, "Man, I hope they earn a lot of frequent flyer miles," or even, "Goodness, I hope they never sit on the couch for more than 20 minutes." There is probably some sweet spot in between doing nothing and trying to do everything. Doing nothing is a bit of a cop out, and trying to do everything may lead to pride. Lovely :)

So, more on that to come. If things go as planned, which is almost certain not to happen, then I'll be skiing in mid-March. I'll keep you posted.

On a different topic - I'm looking to purchase a digital camera. My camera experience over the past years has been spotty: I ordered a film camera off the internet, received two (bonus!). Then one got dropped off of an Italian balcony (by a friend, not me, because remember - I'm not quite to the adventurous stage yet....see above), and simultaneously, the zoom on the other broke. So I tried resurrecting my mom's old Pentax, but I'm quite a novice and can barely load the film in that sucker. So for awhile, I just never took pictures. But remember, it's about people (see above) and life, and I want to remember (and even frame!) some of these moments. So after viewing some pictures that another friend of mine took while he was in India with his digital camera, I've decided to take the plunge. Those who know me well know that I'm a bit of a penny pincher, so this decision is not taken lightly. I've narrowed it down to a Sony most likely. Hold me accountable, I ask you. Within the next week, I hope to own yet another piece of pocket-sized technology.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like my new Olympus, and Consumer Reports rated it really well too. i'm not sure what features are important to you though...

Hope to see you in Houston soon, sorry that your life is crazy.

love ya, mandy