Tuesday, January 18, 2005

9 to 5

As I went downstairs today to get coffee at the cafeteria (my normal workday routine that must occur before 9AM, not because the cafe closes, but because I'm apparently addicted to caffiene), I suddenly became thankful for my job. Not because the coffee was exceptionally tasty today (in fact, they were out of half and half, which bummed me out). And not because I found a pile of money on the linoleum floor of that had a big "take me" sign on it.

It just so happens that they have several televisions scattered throughout the eating establishment. I usually don't sit down there and watch what's on, because for some reason, it's almost always on Judge Judy, or People's Court. I don't know that I'll ever understand the entertainment value of those shows. However, this morning, it did catch my eye.

The TVs were tuned to the confirmation hearing of Condoleezza Rice. I realized in that moment that I handed over my 76 cents to pay for my cuppa joe, that my job was not that bad. Unlike Ms. Rice, who I think is great by the way, I don't have to worry about how I'll look on national television when I get dressed for work. Unlike Ms. Rice, I don't have to think about how a handful of senators are going to pick over every email that I write and every public statement that I make while trying to find something wrong with a particular opinion that I have. There are probably assorted other reasons, but all of that to say, I'm happy in my little fabric covered box today.

On a different note, a friend of mine is currently in India on business. Reading his notes and looking at his pictures make me want to get on a plane. Since college, I've really wanted to go there. I like the food for one, and it seems every Indian person I've ever met has been wonderfully nice, if not a great friend eventually. I think I'm fascinated by the culture as well. So - trip to India is definitely on the "to do" list.


Anonymous said...

Very funny Kim...but not true "dork" material.
Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

9 to 5? Where in the heck do you work? :)
