Friday, June 25, 2010

Some last minute updates...

Well, things are about to change a bit around here, so I thought I'd provide a few last minute updates before we head to the hospital to meet our daughter this weekend.

Nursery Pictures
After the repair work was complete in the baby's room, I set things back in their proper order and snapped a few pictures:

40+ Weeks
Here's my last pregnancy status picture. The due date was 6/20, and it's 6/25, so I'm almost at 41 weeks in this picture...and apparently I make weird facial expressions during these photo shoots. Whatever.

Now I have no freakin' idea what a layette is, nor did I really put one together for Anjali. Additionally, I intentionally didn't have a 'theme' for her room...I did, however, wind up with some personalized Scottie gear, courtesy of my dear friend Danielle. Check out the goods:

I then went on to make a Scottie-mobile, during one of the days this week that I was trying to pass the time.

Wish us luck this weekend!


Amanda said...


I've been thinking of you a lot over the past few days & checking here frequently--keep us updated if/when you have the time...we can't wait to meet her!


P.S: The nursery is beautiful.

MJSamuelson said...

SO excited for you guys!!