Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Is it just me, or does anyone else have recurring dreams?

It's not that I have the exact same dream on a recurring basis. It's more like, I have recurring themes in my dreams (and no, I didn't intend to rhyme there...).

The theme: tornadoes

I think the earliest I remember having a tornado dream was in college. Since then, I can recall about 10 or so variations on that theme.

Usually when they're in my dream, they are far away. I'll be looking out over the city, or over a field and they will be there. Sometimes just one, sometimes it's a whole gaggle.

A tornado made a guest appearance earlier this week in one of my dreams, and it was pretty vivid. Rather than it being far off, I was in it. I was in the wall of the tornado and I could feel the air almost getting sucked out of me.

I'm trying to figure out if the dreams correlate to anything going on in my life, but I'm drawing a blank.

So I'm curious to know if y'all have any thoughts on this. Do you have recurring themes?

On a side note, based on a very informal survey of the couples in our small group, it turned out that most of the guys in the group didn't dream very often. This was in stark contrast to the girls in the group, most of whom had vivid and memorable dreams.


1 comment:

Peter Sassone said...

I'm with you Kim. I have several running dream themes since childhood -- tornadoes chasing me, running late for a big trip, flying very low in a plane. I assume since they all are about stress, then I must be worried about something, but like you, I don't know what.

Yay for repressed anxiety!