Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I work with a bunch of folks who are relatively older than I am.

Ok, so they are a lot older, for the most part.

I am the same age as their grand-children, in some cases.

So when they respond to an email or instant message with "LOL!!!", it just about makes my day.

Here's a typical* IM session:

Kim: Hey Harold**, did you get my email?

Harold: Y :)

Harold: OMG! That was so funny! LOL!!!!

Kim: What was funny? I sent you an email about compliance training.

Harold: BRB LOL OMG!!!

Kim: Harold, are you ok?

Harold: CYA L8R!

Kim: Harold, did you take your pills today?


Kim:Harold, is your blood sugar low?

Harold:IMHO, TMI!


*The definition of "typical" is used loosely.
**Names changed to protect the innocent.