Thursday, January 24, 2008

In keeping with today's theme: quirks

Eryn and Krista both wrote about various "quirks" today, so I figured I'd continue the theme.

Although, before I get started, you may be wondering about the nun. In searching for an image to complement this post, I searched for "habit" and voila: a nun. I love search engines!!

My quirks:
  • I am #2 on Eryn's list
  • Before I start doing laundry, I have to make the bed
  • Actually, to think straight in the morning, I have to make the bed. This poses a problem when the husband is still sleeping...
  • I could eat a peanut butter product every day for the rest of my life and not tire of the wonderful substance!
  • I have a strong fondness for Microsof Excel, so much so that I basically think in spreadsheet format
  • My work email box has to be relatively clean for me to feel productive/organized
  • I tend to be a very competitive driver, so I guess the quirk here is that I need to find the most efficient route at all times
  • I do not like talking on the phone, so don't take it personally if this particular quirk of mine impacts your life directly. You are not alone, nor is it about you
  • I, too, count stairs when ascending/descending, though I am not as neurotic as Eryn seems to be about it ;)
  • Actually, come to think of it, I used to count bites when I would eat as a small child. And I would have to have the same amount of bites on both the left and right side of my mouth before I could swallow. What a weird kid!

1 comment:

McBean said...

I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only psycho in my world. :-)