Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Amar and I are spending the evening at a local coffee shop in Central Austin. I’m trying to read my homework for Bible study, but I continue to be distracted by the people around me, as you may well know, I majored in People Watching in college. So Amar suggested that I blog in real-time about my observations upon people watching. I will record the events, and then record my thoughts of said events in parenthesis. Here goes:

There is a semi-hippy sort of birthday party going on. Can’t figure out who it’s for, but people of all ages are in attendance. They have probably about 10-15 people already, and folks keep showing up. They have a large bundle(?) of balloons which they keep trying to weight down. Hippie man just went to grab a giant rock. (That seems to have worked.) In addition to people showing up continually, food and beverages are also in abundance. They have 2 full pies/cakes, several trays of other bakery goods, a tray of coffee mugs, a tray of cups of ice, and a whole big container of iced tea. (Woah.)

(Too many people on this deck are wearing crocs.)

There is a lady in the parking lot in her car, and she’s talking on one of those Bluetooth earpieces. Though to the casual observer, it looks like she’s in there talking to herself. She’s been in there for 30 minutes. (I am beginning to fear for her oxygen supply.)

Flies! Being attacked by flies!! Must cover my dessert!!!

Why are so many people wearing either crocs or cowboy boots?

Lady is still in her car…(I should check on her periodically to make sure she doesn’t lose consciousness. )

Party update: Whoops – there goes the tray of cups of ice! Splash! One of the kids just ran around yelling “Yum yum, cake cake!!”

A car alarm goes off in the parking lot… (but it must have been a really sketchy alarm because it made that beeping sound that trucks make when they backup. Sketch-y.)

Lady is now getting out of her car. Oh! She’s going to the party! Oh…she’s going to a different party. Never mind. I was fooled by the present in her hand.

Party update: More party attendees are arriving! So far the grownups outweigh the kids by about 10:1. Still can’t figure out who the party is for…Apparently the folks who have just arrived are the guests of honor. Much exclamation has broken out on the deck. Yippee! She’s here! (Whoever “she” is…) The kids have now been handed really large glasses of milk. (The perfect complement to the massive amounts of cake they are about to consume.)

Party update: Woah – major party faux pas. Someone just called someone else “the oldest.” Yikes. Not a good ice-breaker.

And the armed forces have arrived. (Whew – just when this party was getting out of control. Two fine members of our National Guard have now secured the deck.)


A woman just showed up with two friends, explaining Austin in the following way: “…Now, Austin has these things called ‘lakes’…” at which point I totally lost interest in what she was saying because 1) she wouldn’t be at this particular establishment if it weren’t for our “lakes” so THERE and 2) I didn’t find her shoes to be aesthetically pleasing.

Party update: Parenting advice was just given out to a young boy: “No matter what happens to your brother, your sister cannot be left alone.” (Way to go chivalry?)

Party update: Craig! Get the matches! The matches, man, the MATCHES!

Austin itself has struck back! The lady who made the "lake" comment just dropped her purse, spilling it's contents all over the place. Go Austin!

Ok - I really must be getting back to my reading...


Lippy said...

I bet I can guess where you were...You my friend are too funny. Love ya!

hlw said...

I understand the distractions! And coffee shops are the BEST for people watching :)

Alexia & Jeffrey said...

for some reason i don't think you were at dominican joe. that was a bad idea.

but i did enjoy the people watching commentary.