Sunday, January 09, 2011

Holiday fun, Rama-style

There are times in life that I think God enjoys letting us venture out on our own, only so that He can be somewhat amused at what we get ourselves into.

For us Ramas, that time came over the Christmas break. Specifically, in taking an infant to a rather mountainous state and attempting to sleep for any longer than 60 minutes in a row. Did I mention that it was mountainous? Oh, and at the base of the mountain it was 10,000 feet elevation? And the room we stayed in was on the second floor, so that adds what, 12 feet? It was definitely those last 12 feet that the infant objected to so vehemently.

On the other hand, it was beautiful, so that was a good little bonus over the Christmas break.

All that to say that we enjoyed our holiday break and here are some pictures to prove it:

1 comment:

Janet Sue Graham said...

it looks like a beautiful place!! amazing! I am glad you have the memories to cherish. Angeli is SO precious and getting so big. Enjoy each day with her she will be 18 soon! haha!
love ya!