Monday, January 03, 2011

...anyone still there?

I know that I've been REALLY lazy about updating this here blog lately. If you're still with me, then THANK YOU! If you've given up on me, then, well you won't be reading this so I don't really care all that much ;)

Seriously though, things have been busy and "updating the ol' blog" hasn't really made it into the top 5 on the priority list. Hopefully, I'll be better about it in 2011, but who knows.

For my inaugural post of 2011, I thought I'd start with something light: what we've been up to in the wild and wonderful world of the Ramas.

Amar's parents have been with us since late August, and it's been amazing. Sure, the small house has become even more cozy, but it's a small price to pay to have such quality time with them and to watch them interact with Anjali. She loves them to pieces!

We took a "vacation" to Colorado...and I use the word "vacation" very lightly. It was more like a trip. An adventure. The baby did great on the plane, but didn't love the altitude (10,000 feet!) too much. Yes, it was a beautiful winter wonderland in the mountains, but I think our next family vacation will be much closer to home, in a much warmer climate and at a much more sane elevation. Mountains: 1, Ramas: 0

And it's official, we have a big baby on our hands. But she's proportionate, so it's ok. At her 6 month check-up, she was in the 90% for height and weight. Her head, however, is normal-sized (50%), so who knows. We've started doing some sleep training, with great results so far. Here's to a restful 2011!

On the pet-front, we got the Scotties officially groomed for the first time ever, and they actually look like Scotties. They didn't quite know what to think of their new 'do at first, but they were super cute and we loved it. They even smelled like perfume for the first week or so (I kept holding them and smelling them!), so they probably thought I was weird - what's new? Now, due to their new look, when they get running really fast, they look like flying carpets. Good stuff!

Over the holiday break, we saw our fair share of movies as well:
The Fighter
Overall, a great movie, though not as much about boxing as one might suspect. Any Marky Mark lovers out there will enjoy it. Yay! Note: you have to brace yourself for the very profuse and artistic use of the 'f''ve been warned.

The King's Speech
To be honest, I wanted to see this one because I really like a certain Mr. Colin Firth*. It was a good movie though, and I'd recommend it. It's a bit slow at times, but come on, what do you expect in a movie about British royalty? And note: there is also a bit of profanity in this one (not nearly as much as The Fighter), but it's done 1) with a British accent and 2) in such a way that you are cracking I didn't mind it too much.
*How can you NOT love Mr. Darcy?!?

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Any Team Narnia folks will enjoy this one (I just made that up, by the way...good stuff, eh?). Reepicheep is great, and Eustace is believably obnoxious, in a good way. Overall, a fun holiday movie. Anyone know if any of the other books are being made into movies?

There has been much, much more going on, but you'll have to come back for more installments. Happy new year!


Yobany said...

I was wondering about your Colorado trip. And yes, I am one of your remaining followers. I have been hoping for "kimmmie" to turn bold on my Google Reader so I could enjoy your reflections.

kimmie said...

Thanks for your loyalty! You get 1 Kimmie Loyalty point :)

MJSamuelson said...

I think I heard they're making all of the Narnia books into movies, or that was the original intent, at least. Glad to hear you liked 'The Fighter,' have been very interested to see it. I LOVED 'The King's Speech.' :-)

Sounds like you are having fun being a mommy and that Anjali is a darling - of course!!

Julia Ladewski said...

thanks for stopping by!! so nice to meet you!!! please join us on wednesday for working mommy wednesday!

p&k said...

back when I realized you weren't blogging anymore, I came this close to deleting 'kimmie" from my google reader account, but it seemed like more effort than it was worth . . .

seriously, love even sporadic posts from you!

and hey, who are we kidding? I still have not only


on that google reader roll as well!! once you're in, you're in.


Janet Sue Graham said...

I check in on "kimmie" a lot and even have it on my bookmarks!!! I would love to hear more from you this year! SO fun to read about your steps into parenthood. Miss you in the Attic now!