It's blog-time again around these here parts. I was just thinking that nothing that I wanted to share with the internets really went together, per se, so I just decided to do a "weekly wrap-up"...and who knows, it might become a regular segment. Stay tuned!
So, without further ado, here is the Rama Weekly Wrap-Up:
- The bambino:
- The kitchen:
- The casa:
She's officially 7 months old! She's sitting up on her own, and I just had to lower the crib this morning. For the past week or so, we've all been reeling from a daycare-inflicted illness, and ultimately, her first week at daycare turned out to be her last. We have a nanny starting Monday - goodie!
Since Amar's mom left, we've been faced with (gasp!) making dinner for ourselves on a regular basis. And for the most part, we've been doing ok. Last week was all about the slow-cooker, and this week was all about random stuff, including: chicken/broccoli stir fry, waffles and bacon, and pork tenderloin. They were met with varying degrees of success, but all in all, it was a decent food week.
During the week of illness, I had some time to think about updates that I want to make to the house. I even drew out (to scale!) what I want to do in the laundry room (including stacking the washer/dryer, updating the shelves, adding more storage, etc.). More to come on that in the near future, hopefully. I also stumbled upon some neat little blogs, one of which I wanted to share with you: Young House Love. Specifically, this post of theirs about the napkin that is serving as the 'jumping off point' for the color scheme of their new house really inspired me. I'm now in search of my own 'napkin' (or swatch, picture, etc.) that will serve as my inspiration for pulling this house together. Wish me luck!
And just for a sneak peek at what I'm going for in the laundry room, here's one of my inspiration pictures that I snagged:

Yes, I realize that it's a pantry, but what I'm going for is the neatly arranged bins of goodness, along with the overall curb (or hallway?) appeal of the space. Plus, if I can get some good baskets like that, I can move the cleaning supplies out of the space under the kitchen sink and into an out-of-sight/out-of-reach area for when Anjali starts roaming around the house on her own.
Also, one more find to share with you if you're looking for color-scheme type input: Kuler. I've just tinkered around with it a bit, but it looks like a total fun time waster. Good luck!