Tuesday, November 04, 2008

More embarassing pictures...

I'm beginning to think that about 80% of the pictures of me on the Internet are pretty embarrassing. Not that I mind....but I just wanted to put a number on it.

Anyhow, just to pile on a bit, here are some pictures of my Small Group Bible Study at a Halloween party last week. We've gotten rave reviews on the costumes, so no pressure, but I think you're going to enjoy them as well.

Now, I who doesn't love a good red? And I must say, that being red had it's perks for the photo shoot. I mean, you can't deny that it's a primary color, and is a critical part of so many other colors and color combos. I don't want to assume anything, but the secondary colors were looking at little envious.... ;)

The crayons, in all their glory.

Arrogant primary colors.

Red and blue make purple!

Orange was a little embarrassed by his parents. I mean, who wouldn't be? His dad was wearing a skirt!

The color wheel - wheeee!!!

I'm red. He's brown. Got a problem with that?

Girl colors - unite!


Unknown said...

uhhhh...yeah you look like the polyphonic spree

karen said...

I love the pictures. What a great idea! :)