Monday, September 29, 2008

What a waste!!

That's my takeaway from today's political activities. A. Complete. Waste.

A waste of time.
A waste of tax dollars.
A waste of money.
A waste of energy.

I was watching the news tonight, and NBC's political director Chuck Todd was on with Brian Williams. His insight into today's vote really caught my attention. He said, that after some analysis on the vote, he had determined that ultimately, 1 factor indicated whether a lawmaker would vote FOR or AGAINST the bill: whether or not they were facing a hotly-contested battle for their seat in November.

If a lawmaker was pretty much a shoe-in for their seat in the fall, they voted FOR the bill.

If a lawmaker was being challenged strongly for their seat in the fall, they voted AGAINST the bill.

If that is the case, and honestly it seems rather likely to (cynical) me, then I cannot think of anything more cowardly.

But then came the finger pointing, and the blaming.

Pelosi blames Bush.
Republicans blame Pelosi.
Democrats call the Republicans whiners.
The phrase "babies sucking our thumbs" was used.

I am honestly starting to think that the 1st grade Sunday school class that we teach could have done a better job crafting legislation and voting on it.

Please, for the love of God and country, stop the whining and do your jobs!


Ok, sorry for the rant. Sorry for the series of rants, actually. Hope you're still hanging in there.


malita said...

Girl I'm with you - the Capital of Waste and the royalty that runs it!

kimmie said...

So I did the math, and it looks like, of the seats that were contested, 64% voted AGAINST the bill, and 34% voted FOR it.

To find out how they voted, and what I consider "contested" go here:

The vote:

Contested elections:,_2008

To find the contested seats, I took the Wikipedia page and considered any election with a "leans" or a "tossup" in the "Crystal Ball" column.

As for the total seats up for election in November, 61% voted AGAINST the bill and 38% voted FOR it.

Just an FYI.

kimmie said...

Well, of course the links don't me if you want the articles.

Dave Bellomy said...

Hey there Kim!

I'm also very concerned about what is going on in Washington, specifically regarding the economy. I have a slightly different take on what is going on. Check it out:

We can both agree, however that this is a pitiful state of affairs.