Friday, September 19, 2008

Passing the time

I was just lamenting to a friend that I was really behind the times this week. I haven't watched the full Tina Fey video from SNL wherein she imitates Sarah Palin.

And I'm sure that most of you have already tried out the Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator...but I hadn't tried it yet, so here's my amusement for the morning:

Had I been born to Sarah Palin, I would have been named:

Bang Walmart Palin - my full name, using my maiden last name

Mustache Warthog Palin - using my shortened maiden name

Knife Pile Palin - using my full married name

Icepick Motor Palin - using my shortened married name

All are very, very flattering, as you can tell.

Who would you be, as a Palin?


amar rama said...

I got
Snowshoe Man Palin
Moose Roadster Palin
Chalk Revelations Palin

amusingt said...

Amazingly, my full name also generated Bang Walmart Palin. However, just using my first and last name gave me Mangle Blue Palin.